SEO User Experience (UX)

Why is a Responsive Website Essential for Your South Jersey Business?

South Jersey is a thriving competitive market for businesses these days. In order to stay ahead, you are going to need more than a standard issue website. Having a responsive website, one that seamlessly fits various screen sizes and devices, is one of the best ways to ensure an optimal experience for your customers. But is a responsive website essential for your business in South Jersey? Let’s find out.


Key Takeaways


  • With the prevalence of mobile devices, a responsive website is essential for reaching and engaging with the growing mobile audience in South Jersey.
  • Responsive design ensures a consistent and optimized user experience across all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones, enhancing user satisfaction and increasing engagement.
  • Investing in responsive design reduces the overall cost of website maintenance by streamlining management processes and ensuring a consistent brand experience across all devices.
  • Responsive websites are optimized for performance, resulting in faster load times across all devices, contributing to a better user experience and increased engagement.

Comparison Table: Responsive vs. Adaptive Design

Feature Responsive Design Adaptive Design
Approach Uses a fluid grid system to adjust layout based on screen size Creates multiple website versions for different devices
Development Effort Requires developing a single website Requires developing and maintaining multiple websites
Management Complexity Easier to manage a single website More complex to manage multiple versions
User Experience Consistent experience across devices May have slight variations across devices
Cost More cost-effective More expensive due to development and maintenance of multiple versions


What is Responsive Design?

Responsive design is an approach to web design that emphasizes creating websites capable of dynamically adjusting their layout and content based on the device and screen size being used to access them. This ensures that the website maintains functionality, usability, and visual appeal across a wide range of devices, from desktop computers to mobile phones.


Responsive design shouldn’t be confused with adaptive design. Firstly, responsive design uses a fluid grid system that automatically adjusts the size of the screen to the device being used. Adaptive design, also known as dynamic serving, involves creating multiple versions of a website specifically optimized for different device categories or screen sizes. Each version of the website is designed and developed separately, allowing for more customized and optimized experiences on different devices. Meanwhile, responsive design uses CSS media queries to detect the screen size and apply the style accordingly, ensure functionality.


Both are used for the same thing—and for the user experience (UX). However, for smaller businesses, responsive design is more useful. Adaptive design, with its multiple versions, means that load times will be longer, especially if a user is redirected to a version of the site that is not attuned to the device they are using.


Why Should You Invest in Responsive Design?

Responsive design is not perfect—no design type is—but that doesn’t mean it is not a worthwhile investment. On the contrary, responsive design is a cost-effective measure that ensures most users have an optimized experience on your website. Despite a few cons, such as resizement issues with advertisements or ads, responsive design allows for a streamlined site design that is the same regardless of how the website is accessed.


Keep in mind that society is now multi-screened. In other words, people are not just accessing your site from a desktop or laptop. They may look at your site multiple times throughout the day from their phone, tablet, PC, or other device. It is important to have a website that looks and functions the same so that they can find what they are looking for each time they visit.


Benefits of Responsive Website Design for Your South Jersey Business

Now that you know a bit more about responsive web design, let’s look at some of the advantages such design brings to your South Jersey business:


1. Mobile Traffic

The proliferation of mobile devices has reshaped consumer behavior, with a significant portion of internet users accessing content through smartphones and tablets. For a South Jersey business, having a a responsive website is essential for reaching and engaging with this mobile audience. By ensuring that your website is accessible and user-friendly on all devices, including mobile, you can broaden your reach and capitalize on the growing trend of mobile internet usage.


2. Flexibility

Responsive design offers flexibility and adaptability, enabling your website to seamlessly adjust to different screen sizes, resolutions, and device orientations. Whether visitors are accessing your site from a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, or smartphone, a responsive website ensures a consistent and optimized user experience across all devices. This adaptability not only enhances user satisfaction but also increases engagement and encourages repeat visits to your South Jersey business website.


3. SEO Ranking Boost

Search engines like Google prioritize mobile-friendly websites in their rankings, considering factors such as mobile responsiveness and usability when determining search result rankings. By investing in responsive design for your South Jersey business website, you can improve its visibility and organic search ranking, making it more discoverable to potential customers searching for relevant products or services on mobile devices.


4. Rich User Experience

A responsive website goes beyond mere functionality; it aims to deliver a rich and engaging user experience across all devices. Through careful optimization of content layout, images, typography, and navigation elements, a responsive website creates an immersive and visually appealing experience for users. By providing a seamless and intuitive browsing experience, your South Jersey business website can leave a lasting impression on visitors, leading to increased satisfaction, longer site visits, and higher engagement levels.


5. Cost-Effective

Maintaining separate desktop and mobile versions of a website can be resource-intensive in terms of time, effort, and cost. By investing in responsive design, you streamline your website management processes and eliminate the need for separate designs and development efforts for different devices. This consolidation not only reduces the overall cost of website maintenance but also ensures a consistent brand experience across all devices, maximizing the return on your investment in web development for your South Jersey business.


6. Ease of Management

Managing a single responsive website is more efficient and straightforward than maintaining separate desktop and mobile versions. With a responsive design, updates, changes, and maintenance tasks can be performed more efficiently, as they apply universally across all devices. This simplification of website management saves time and resources in the long run, allowing you to focus on other aspects of running your South Jersey business while ensuring that your website remains up-to-date and optimized for all users.


7. Improved Load Time

Responsive websites are optimized for performance, resulting in faster load times across all devices. By optimizing code, images, and other assets for different screen sizes and resolutions, responsive design ensures that your website loads quickly and efficiently on desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Improved load times contribute to a better user experience, reducing bounce rates and increasing engagement levels.


Hire a Digital Marketing Specialist in New Jersey Today

Is a responsive web design essential for your South Jersey business? The answer is yes. As a business owner, it is important to make your website available and functional to any device that tries to access it. With a responsive design, your business and content will be found more easily, ensuring that you can establish yourself in the community and beyond.


When you are ready to switch to a responsive website design, get in touch with Digital Marketing Group, LLC. We do more than digital marketing; we help you reshape your brand and bring it to life. With expert web designers and creators on our team, you can have a responsive website that attracts customers in no time. Get in touch with our digital marketing specialists today by calling 1-855-969-4736 or by filling out the contact form.



How to Boost Your Business Visibility With Local SEO

People are constantly searching online for businesses near them. In fact, Google found that 76% of users who have searched for a business online will visit said business on the same day. In other words, if you haven’t optimized your local SEO, you are missing out on potential customers. Let’s take a look at local SEO, as well as some actionable tips on how to boost your business visibility with local SEO today.


Key Takeaways

  • Local SEO bridges businesses to potential customers precisely when needs arise, ensuring visibility across various platforms.
  • Local SEO is indispensable for brand visibility, credibility, and capturing potential customers actively searching for your offerings.
  • Five practical steps include optimizing Google Business Profile, local keyword research, creating targeted content, mobile optimization, and managing online reviews.
How to Boost Your Business Visibility With Local SEO
Why Local SEO is Essential to Your Business

Why Local SEO is Essential to Your Business

First, you need to know what local SEO is and what it does. Local SEO is a component of search engine optimization that looks at your business and where it is located in the world. By enhancing your local SEO practices, you essentially make your online and physical presence more visible to those searching for what you provide.


For this reason, local SEO is essential to your business. Whenever your business pops up in the search results, knowledge of your brand increases. Your credibility also rises. Without this benefit, you will miss out on people who need what you offer.


Additionally, focusing on local SEO is cost-effective. Unlike advertising with print or billboards or even on social media, local SEO costs next to nothing and has an incredible return-of-investment (ROI).


How Local SEO Connects You With Potential Customers

Local SEO connects you with customers by essentially promoting you whenever your business matches for something someone needs. For example, if a customer needs emergency plumbing services and a local plumber with 24/7 service who is down the road pops up, that customer will most likely call them immediately.


This is true for any kind of business with a presence online. It doesn’t matter which app or browser someone searches for your business, local SEO gets you seen.


5 Local SEO Solutions You Can Implement Today

Tacking local SEO on your own may seem like a daunting task, but there are five easy things you can do right now to improve your standing. Follow the tips below or consider looking for a digital marketing expert like those at Digital Marketing Group, LLC to help you out.


1. Optimize Your Google Business Profile

The businesses on Google Maps do not find their way there automatically. You need to update your Google Business Profile (GBP) to increase your online visibility. When you make a profile with GBP, you gain more attention from Google, Google Maps, and several other sites.


Once you have your GBP set up, don’t forget to check out other online directories, such as Tripadvisor and Yelp.


2. Local Keyword Research

How do you know people are going to find you? By leveraging keywords. Let’s say, for instance, that you are a South Jersey accountant. You will easily rank for “South Jersey accountant” on Google because that’s on your site already. However, there are more things you could rank for that will get you noticed.


In order to find out which terms you can utilize, you must do keyword research. There are many tools available, such as Ahref’s Keyword Generator, to provide suggestions. By conducting regular keyword research, you will spot trends and know how to stay relevant.


3. Create Localized Content

Once you have keywords, you need to create content. This content, be it blogs, product descriptions, tutorials, or videos, must resonate with your target audience. To do this, you will need to understand the intent of your customers. Some people want information while others look to make a specific transaction.


Figuring out your target audience can be difficult when you are a new business or are rebranding. To help smooth out the process and ensure your content is reaching the right people, it is recommended that you utilize professional digital marketing services.

4. Optimize For Mobile
Optimize For Mobile

4. Optimize For Mobile

More people than ever before are using their phones to get information. In short, you need a mobile version of your site. Outdated sites with zero mobile compatibility could be dragging you down. Consider using a responsive design, one that adjusts to fit any device’s screen automatically.


Do not stop at optimizing for mobile, either. Ensure that your website runs smoothly and has navigation that is easy to use. The more friendly your website, the more people will want to use it.


5. Monitor Online Reviews

Yes, those online reviews mean something to local SEO. Those reviews on Google Maps, for example, will not only impact your business’s reputation but also where it shows up on search results.


For this reason, you will want to review and respond, particularly to negative reviews—if you have them. People often look for how a business responds to criticism and how the problem is resolved to gauge trustworthiness.


Connect With Expert Digital Marketing Specialists Today

Local SEO isn’t mere strategy; it’s essential to your business’s success. Beyond gaining visibility, local SEO supports your business’s credibility and direct connections to potential customers. Implementing the five tips in this article is just the beginning. To get the most out of local SEO and boost your business to new heights, reach out to the digital marketing specialists at Digital Marketing Group, LLC by calling 1-800-969-4736 or by filling out the contact form.


7 Actionable Tips To Get More Traffic To Your WordPress Blog

There are currently over 440 million blogs online. It sounds like an unbelievable number and if you’re starting your own blog, it means competition is a real thing. How do you set your blog apart from others? How do you get regular traffic and – more importantly – some kind of return on the time you put into building it?

There are various plans of attack that you can consider to increase your blogs visibility. A combination of all of these strategies and perseverance can help make your blog stand out from the pack. We’ll look at some of the great things you can do today to get your company’s blog in front of the right audience.

Fast Loading Times

Fast Loading Times

If a blog doesn’t load quickly, its not going to retain visitors. If you’ve ever visited a site that took more than three seconds to load, you may find that you’re already losing interest. And even if you have the most patient user base ever, most web crawlers time out in less than three seconds and unreliable speeds lead to lower rankings in search engine result pages.

It may be as simple as a call to your site hosting service in order to get more processing power allocated to your blog. Much like having a luxury automobile would be pointless if he can’t actually drive over 20mph, having an amazing blog with a slow server defeats the purpose.

Keep It Regular

Keep It Regular

Regular content delivery is key to successful blogging. We can’t imagine watching a serial TV show that may or may not air each week, and most users won’t bother returning to a randomly updated blog. A big part of that 440 million blogs are basically randomly updates, sometimes with years of space in between; this pattern does not retain viewers.

However, its not always easy to make time to manually release an article each week or month. Instead, tools exist to allow you to schedule your blogs posts to automatically post. This way you can prep months at a time and then leave the blog on auto-pilot to post the new items as needed.


Find keywords

When starting a blog, you should have a clear idea of what the keywords you focus on will be. Think about what someone might type into Google relating to your company. Now think about what you phrases you’d like your site to appear in response to a Google query. Try to use these phrases naturally in your article. Don’t think that more is better. Stuffing the keywords into every sentence does not work. Google can detect unnatural badly formatted text. You’re best off just writing naturally and making a point to use the keywords when they appear naturally in context.

Below are a few popular tools for keyword research:

Incorporate internal linking

The sidebar of your blog and links to related blog posts on your blog are excellent ways of increasing traffic. If you wrote a past article on your site that relates to the current post, link up some keywords to it. This can help people to delve deeper into your blogs content and grow to appreciate all the effort that went into it.

Feature posts are also a great way to route traffics from any of your posts to one of particular interest or value. Many WordPress themes have a side panel with featured posts or recommended posts along the bottom. You can use these to drive traffic to specific topics that relate to your niche or help convery visitors into customers.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

Nothing drives mobile users away like a clunky, slow desktop site that pretends the smartphone doesn’t exist. Your site should look great on a tiny iPhone screen, an Android tablet and an HD 1080p desktop computer monitor. Many plugins exist to convert existing themes to responsive themes. A responsive theme basically grows or shrinks to fit the available space and thus looks great no matter what kind of device is browsing your site.

Interact With Your Audience

The comment section on your blog is not just there for people to give you blind praise on a great article. End articles with a question that invites personal opinion. You may find that you have some great discussions in the comments sections of your blog. Even questions that may cause a bit of debate or in-depth explanation of a point of view can help draw traffic to your site.

Replying to comments on your blog should be part of your regular routine. It will make potential customers feel more loyal to your brand when they see that you actually took the time to respond to their query.

Search Engine Optimization

One of the most difficult aspects of making your blog more popular is search engine optimization. This is not something that can be done quickly with a few clicks. Using natural keyword placement can help but other things such as backlinking, long tail search keywords and low competition keywords for niche items can also help.

Bringing It All Together

Feeling a bit overwhelemed? Don’t be. The hard part of blogging is having good content. If you have that, we can help you with all the rest of the details. Fill out our contact form today and put our team of experts to work for your company.


How Long Should A Blog Post Be?

Its no secret that having quality content is more important than ever. Google search results drive traffic and traffic converts into revenue. For this reason, many businesses have create ambitious posting schedules in an attempt to draw people to their site.

However, these plans don’t always work out to the company’s benefit. We look at how the length and style of a post can help your site to be well positioned in Google and also to establish your company as an industry leader with valuable content.

How Long Should a Post Be?

Posts online are usually considered to be either long form (or long content) – consisting of more than 500 words – or short content – being less than 500 words. There are pros and cons to both. Deciding on the length often depends on the point of the article. We’ll talk about both and when to elect either a short or long blog post.

How Long Should A Blog Post Be

Long Form Posts

In the past, long form posts were not seen as a valuable SEO marketing tool. As casual browsers might want to read a quick article, the feeling was that writing anything longer wouldn’t really be consumed. Additionally, search engines have specific algorithms for determining the “quality” of a page, and longer isn’t necessarily better.

The value of long form posts comes from the fact that you can deliver valuable content to your users. Long posts let you go deep into technical issues, tell an engaging story or present an interesting interview. Some companies have even found success with “gated long posts”, where a user must sign up to a mailing list in order to access the entire post. Long form posts can go a long way to establishing you as an industry expert.

Short Form Posts

Shorter posts – those of under 500 words – are great for quick and interesting reads, sharing news about an event or announcing a new product or release. Since they take less time to produce, you can produce more, which helps you possibly strike gold on some unexpected interest of your readers and also help establish a better search engine ranking.

The Role of Quality

The Role of Quality

You probably remember a time in the early 2000’s when ever site had a sidebar filled with randomly sized words. There was a time when things like keyword stuffing, content scraping and other poor substitutes for content could actually help a page to rank better. Things have changed since then, and none of these strategies are going to help your page be considered “high quality” by Google or any other analytics bots that check out your page. Duplicate content is also bad.

If your page is a cut and paste collage of other articles, these systems are able to pick that up. Even worse, if your competitors or clients notice you are doing things like this, your reputation will be damage irrevocably.

Don’t forget, your Google ranking means nothing if your human readers don’t see you as a source of reliable and valuable information. There are no shortcuts in producing quality content.

Posting Schedules

Scheduled automated posting systems are popular and they can make maintaining a website easier. Content can be quickly developed at one point in time and then automatically released slowly over time. These systems can be great but they also present a trap. In a rush to fill a posting schedule, some companies put out filler posts. Others sit on exciting news just because it didn’t come in on time for their posting schedule.

These decisions can also impact the length of the posts. It’s great to maintain a schedule, but also important to leave time for creativity and unexpected news.

Posting Schedules

Developing Quality Posts

A great practice for both long or short form posts is to start by writing a basic outline. Start with sub headings and main talking points. Each post should be easily explained in 1-2 sentences. If explaining it becomes more complex than that, it might be a better idea to divide the ideas up into several posts.

Always try to imagine what your potential clients will take away from this post. Does it really have something to say that hasn’t already been said? Does it answer a question people often Google related to your industry?

These are the posts that work on both levels; valuable to human readers and well ranked by search engines. No one likes to open a post that poses a question, and then – ten “filler paragraphs” later – basically tells them, “Do research to find the right answer for you!”

Article Length Recommendations

  • Buffer: recommends the ideal blog post length should be 1,600 words.
  • CoSchedule: recommends the ideal blog post length should be 2,500 words.
  • Hubspot: recommends the ideal blog post length should be 2,250 to 2,500 words.
  • Moz: recommends the ideal blog post length should be 1,125 words.
  • ClickSeed: recommends the ideal blog post length should be 1,000 words.
  • Yoast: recommends the minimum word count is 300 in order to rank, but ideal blog post length should be 1,000 words.

Recommended Article Length By Industry

  • Financial technology – 2,000 – 2,150 words
  • Finance – 2,100 – 2,500 words
  • Manufacturing – 1,700 – 1,900 words
  • Sales – 2,500 – 2,700 words
  • Retail – 1,500 – 1,700 words
  • Real estate – 1,800 – 1,900 words
  • Home and garden – 1,100 – 1,200 words
  • Tech – 800 – 1,000 words
  • Gadgets – 300 – 500 words
  • Marketing/advertising – 2,500 – 3,000 words
  • Healthcare – 2,000 – 2,150 words
  • Fashion – 800 – 950 words
  • Recruiting – 900 – 1,000 words
  • Food – 1,400 – 1,900 words
  • Travel – 1,500 – 1,850 words
  • Film – 1,500 – 1,700 words

Brining It All Together

As you can see, developing quality content is not as easy as it sounds. It could be that you’re an industry expert with lots of knowledge to share, but you don’t know where to start. If that’s your situation, fill out our contact form now. Put all that knowledge to work today, driving people to your company online all around the world.

Marketing SEO

The Ultimate Guide to Strategic LOCAL SEO. Part 1

This SEO guide is written for two different audiences.
For those of you who are true beginners, it is a true step by step guide.
For those who are experienced but may be having trouble with local SEO and use it as a reference guide.
  • Know Your Competitive SERP Trends
  • Match Your Client’s Goals to your SEO Efforts
  • Map Your target keywords and Create a Content Strategy
  • Master the art of Chunking
  • Testing and Evaluating SEO Results


Local SEO is completely different the national SEO.
Google takes into account local first before anything else.
What I’ve noticed within the SEO world is a tendency to focus on national search engine optimization tactics and try to apply them to Local SEO.
The biggest problem with this is that your client doesn’t care about being number one for a keyword nationally.
A local small business or even a regional mid-size business located in New Jersey may love getting traffic from California but if they have no way to deliver a product or service to that region then all of the right things that you have obtained for them have been for naught.
I have seen examples where a client gets excited that they have four or five thousand more visitors coming to their website, but when you actually take a look at what they have obtained traffic-wise in Google Analytics, you will often find that only a small fraction of that traffic had any return on investment potential.
This can be damaging not only to the relationship you have with your client but also to your SEO strategy as you will be encouraging higher bounce rates on content that doesn’t apply to that potential client in California.
Don’t overthink the situation because it’s bound to happen. It is just a good thing to keep in mind in planning your SEO.

The Bad News.

I found a flaw in Google and there are many but one, in particular, is absolutely annoying.
Google is great at delivering local results first.
The problem is unless you’re killer at your schema game, regional businesses will suffer in their local SEO efforts.
I was always told it was better to receive the bad news first.
The simple truth is there are no good affordable local SEO tools for small business.
You will spend more time and more effort trying to localize your SEO content-wise than you would if it was a national campaign.

 The Good News.

If you take the time to master schema you can create a Content strategy that delivers excellent results and Google is getting better and better all the time.
Once you’ve actually gotten down the SEO strategy for regional service Industries and local brick-and-mortar businesses the formula can be applied across the board regardless of the client type.
I’ve heard it said that SEO is not rocket science, but you may need a rocket scientist mindset in problem-solving to really knock it out of the park for your website.
You need to know when to break the rules and when to follow them, and you have to constantly be aware of your competitive space.
If you apply the fundamentals which we will get into in chapter one, you will find yourself ahead of the pack.

Chapter 1 -SEO is Warfare

One thing I always tell my SEO clients is that all business and especially SEO is genuinely warfare and should be treated as such.
We are all competing for number one and while there are rules to the game you have to have a killer instinct and an even better strategy to win.
Strategy in war is more important than tactics.
Often when interviewing a new client, I find that they doubt the capabilities of  SEO.
But when reflected upon accurately it’s usually that the firm’s they hired has focused on tactics instead of strategy.
I have attended hundreds of seminars, read thousands of Articles, books, and guides and watched thousands of videos on SEO over the last 10 years and the one thing that I always find is missing with only a few exceptions is an understanding of strategy over tactics.
Sound tactics can still fail given any number of random events.
However, I have never known as a reliable strategy to fail given the time and space to be appropriately implemented.
In practicing SEO, we often find ourselves racing against the clock trying to please a client and usually that’s where we make tactical mistakes.
Our real job is in effectively communicating with our clients the real world scenario that they are up against and convincing them to dedicate both the time and the budget necessary to accomplish their often unrealistic goals.
When we get a client on the same page as we are strategically we win, and they win, and the  ROI can often create relationships that last a lifetime.
This article will focus on creating a sound strategy that is always guaranteed to win.
More importantly, it will give you an outline that allows you to communicate effectively with your clients without getting into the tactical details and the day-to-day B.S. that indeed they have no interest in and they will not take the time ever to understand it.

The Lean SEO Approach

Efficiency is critical to search engine optimization.
Before we begin getting into the details of a strategic plan for SEO, we need to make sure that a lot of time is not wasted in analysis paralysis.
I have watched other companies and even my own employees get caught up in studying way too much and over-analyzing situations that just need an immediate solution.
Six Sigma and the lean approach are an easy way to make sure you stay on track in accomplishing your objectives.
Not everyone knows what lean or Six Sigma is and when I took the course for the first time, I had no idea how important it was to strategy in SEO.
Six Sigma is a set of management techniques intended to improve business processes by significantly reducing the probability that an error or defect will occur.
In essence, it’s a way to create efficiency and eliminate waste from any process.
Any SEO will tell you that the majority of issues the encounter come from wasted time and efforts.
When you apply the principles of Six Sigma to SEO, you find that there are always more wins than losses.


Process management for Lean SEO.

FORM.  Forming an Objective.

The first thing you want to do when creating a new strategy for SEO is FORM an objective. Remember always that these goals should be all ROI based.  Your client may love having his ego stroked by being number one for any given keyword but the truth of the matter is your client will fall in love with you if you can make him money. So the first thing you want to do is create a simple objective that generates Revenue. Find out what generates your client the most profit.  Also, find out what is his bread and butter.  Forming an objective around these two as opposed to creating a broad-based strategy will narrow your focus to an achievable goal and the desired outcome.

STORM.   Keyword Brainstorming.

If you have researched your client properly, you will know enough about this industry to begin the hunt for keywords. in the process of brainstorming no idea no relevant keyword phrase is rejected. I have seen keyword list with 10000 different keywords on them. I have watched hours and hours of time being wasted trying to reduce those keyword lists before other  SEO factors were considered.  Below are five keyword tools that are pretty popular in the SEO world:
  • Google Keyword Planner (Free)
  • MOZ Keyword explorer
  • SEMRush
  • Keyword Tool
  • KW Finder
Once you have all the possible keywords phrases from your favorite tool you want to export them into your favorite spreadsheet program.
Most of these keyword tools will give you several factors that you want to pay specific attention to.
These will become important for the NORM   section of Form Norm Storm Perform.

NORM. Norming or Normalizing.

Norming is where we actually take all of our wonderful keyword ideas that we want to work on and formulate practical achievable goals that we can chunk into smaller tasks.
Many SEO’s calls this keyword mapping.
Keyword mapping involves planning the content along with the keywords based on difficulty and a number of other factors.
I like to do this process a little later because I’m going to be coming back to the Storm keyword list and revamping my strategy based on the results that I am achieving on SERPS.
So, for now, we’re going to take a look at the factors then make up a great normalized list.
Before I mentioned there are several factors that keyword tools deliver and below we will discuss a few of those factors.
I will begin with the data-driven approach Which will increase the probability of getting effective SEO results.
  • The First Factor is Google AdWords Cost Per Click. You will quickly notice that specific keywords cost more on average than others.

This is a quick indicator that people are willing to spend more money on those keywords.
It becomes evident that those are the keywords you want if they are relevant to your client.
These are the keywords that other companies have found converts, so organize your list by filtering for the highest cost per click in AdWords.
From here you can take those keywords and group them.
  • The Second Factor is keyword difficulty.

Keyword difficulty is a remarkable factor to take note of because it takes a keyword you may be looking at for pay per click and it ranks it by difficulty from 0 to 100.
A keyword with a difficulty of 0, which I can’t imagine finding, would be the easiest to Rank for.
A keyword with a difficulty of 100 would be the most difficult to Rank for.
The higher the value the harder it is to compete.
Once again remember these factors are taking into consideration a national level.
Don’t be immediately intimidated by the score that’s given.
Remember we haven’t taken a look at what your competitors have done yet. Below is a little guy that can help you determine what to go after.
  • The third Factor is search volume.

On a national level, this is one of the greatest tools ever.
Because we are talking about local SEO, it can become difficult to determine if a keyword is right for your Marketplace.
In these cases sometimes we have to use common sense I many times it comes down to experimentation.
Also, it is important to remember higher search volume doesn’t always mean conversion.
For example, I had a company that was selling hyperbaric chambers.
Of course, it would be great for them to right number one for the word hyperbaric chambers. When you take a look at the search engine results,
most of the results word definitions medical journals and the like.
At that time the keyword search volume for “hyperbaric chamber” was over 6,000 searches.
But the search volume for  “cost of a hyperbaric chamber”  was only 30 searches per month.
Being that my client’s products cost several hundred thousand dollars which would price it out of the normal consumer’s  ability to purchase,  I had to factor in that ranking for hyperbaric chamber would generate a lot of waste of traffic.
Yes, it would be a great goal for the future, but ranking for cost of a hyperbaric chamber right now could generate sales that made my client very happy.
  • The Fourth Factor Is not data-driven.

The fourth factor is becoming your client’s client’s client.
I’ll repeat it become your client’s clients’ client.
I cannot stress how important this really is especially to SEO and more importantly to local SEO.
so in this instance will use a roofer.
we’ll call our client Joe’s Roofing.
Our clients’ client would then be people interested in roofing.
Now there are probably three or four different types of people that are going to be purchasing a roof.
The first one has a damaged roof in need of repair I believe they may need to replace it.
The second one has an aging roof and knows they need to replace it but is looking at cost as much as aesthetics.
The final client only cares about aesthetics which is our Dream client.
They’re truly looking to upgrade their home and make it more beautiful, whether it’s to sell it or for their enjoyment.
So now we have our clients client.
So what is our client’s client’s client?
The simplest way to describe your client’s client’s client is to call it the motivating factor the cause them to purchase in the first place.
It is not the product but the emotional and mental satisfaction that is achieved by crossing it off your to-do list.
The bragging rights and the sense of accomplishment that comes from getting what you want.
I won’t get too deep into neuroscience for SEO, just know that the motivating factor is the most important one.
You have to get inside your client’s client’s client to know what content is right and what keywords to go after.
Just knowing that you’re selling to your client’s  ambition their motivation and their biochemical need for satisfaction ensures keyword choices and your content choices are on target.

PERFORM. Time to get to work

Now that we have an efficient methodology it’s time to complete the task that we have in our strategy.
Performing is simply doing all of the things that we have chunked into our Norm phase.Always set an ETA for any task you have to complete.
The more efficient you become at the living on time the more predictable the outcomes of your SEO will be.
I know that seems like a stretch but believe me after over 10 years in this game you realize that planning is everything.
When you have a great plan the one time that you strike gold can feed your company for years,  literally.